Choose your option

Pass Combi

3 days : 8th, 9th & 10th July, 2024
230 €
Students: 55€
The sale is not yet open
  • Deep Dive sessions
  • Deep Dive workshops
  • Conferences sessions
  • Snorkeling sessions
  • "We're not just coders" workshops
  • Breakfasts and buffets
  • Evening social event with buffet and concert

Pass Conference

2 days : 9th & 10th July, 2024
150 €
Students: 40€
The sale is not yet open
  • Conferences sessions
  • Snorkeling sessions
  • "We're not just coders" workshops
  • Breakfasts and buffets
  • Evening social event with buffet and concert

Pass Deep Dive

1 day : 8th July, 2024
80 €
Students: 15€
The sale is not yet open
  • Deep Dive sessions
  • Deep Dive workshops
  • Breakfast and buffet